We would love the help of contributing members. If you would like to help "stack" up our wallpaper section, feel free to do so. Maybe you have your own photo's you'd like to share, or some you have found on the net! Guidelines:
Please post wallpapers in correct size for specific device model.
BlackBerry Storm: 360x480
BlackBerry Bold 9000: 480x320
BlackBerry Curve 8900: 480x360
BlackBerry 87xx/88xx/83xx: 320x240
BlackBerry 71xx/81xx: 240x260
BlackBerry 82xx: 240x320
BlackBerry 77xx: 240x240
BlackBerry 72xx/75xx: 240x160
If you're interested in browsing our ever so growing wallpaper section:
Go to our "home page"
To the left you'll see a selection box, from here Click on "BlackBerry Wallpapers"
Once there you will see every size and device model to choose from! Have fun!