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Main » 2009 » June » 18
You can find this marvel of an app in the BlackBerry App store. This, the first mobile application to remember the location of your car, is an awesome stress-reducing application for those daytime trips to the mall. This app, which comes with a free 31-day trial, will use GPS location services to remember the exact location of your car and guide you to it. This is the first app of its kind, and therefore begs for testing. So, give it a try and write a comment here about
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And once again, our American procrastination has caused us to be slightly behind the ball. Telus, a Canadian mobile company has officially leaked their release date, and that is July 15, 2009. But even better than that, they've also released the price information as well, and I must say, that it isn't looking too attractive for the Canadian market. Buying the Tour on a 3-year contract will cost you $249.99 as
long as you are on a $20/month or higher calling plan with a d
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